As you and your family navigate welcoming your first child into your home, estate planning may be the last thing on your mind. However, it’s wise to consider estate planning and updating your legal documents as essential to new parent… Read More
Posts Tagged ‘estate planning’
5 Reasons to Avoid Do-It-Yourself Wills and Trust An Attorney Instead
There are plenty of reasons people find themselves delaying the creation of their Will. It can be quite easy to delay tackling this task, but there is ultimately no good excuse for ignoring what is one of your life’s most… Read More
How Do You Choose a Personal Representative When You Have No Children?
Your estate’s personal representative, or executor, has a significant role. Your personal representative is tasked with administering your estate according to the instructions laid out in your Will. This person must settle any remaining debts and ensure all beneficiaries named… Read More
Why Should You Create a Trust For Your Estate Plan?
Estate planners often hear the question, “do I need a Trust?” This is because many people mistakenly believe that only the very wealthy can utilize Trusts or that their Will can do the same things their Trust can do. In… Read More
Avoid These 4 Common Probate Problems
When someone dies, they leave behind their assets. These assets comprise the individual’s estate and must be transferred to new ownership. Probate is the legal process that often transfers those estate assets to the chosen beneficiaries or heirs of the… Read More
5 Reasons to Avoid Intestate Succession in Florida
Every adult should have an estate plan in place, yet more than half of Americans do not. Even when people understand the need for an estate plan, the overwhelming nature of creating one can prevent them from taking charge and… Read More
Estate Planning for the Single Person
Estate planning is not just for couples. Single people can benefit just as much from planning for the distribution of their assets and property and preparing their healthcare in old age. However, estate planning for the single person does involve… Read More
Protecting Digital Assets in Your Estate Plan
When you start estate planning, you consider your physical assets first. Properties, family heirlooms, vehicles, and more are all valuable assets you will want to pass on to family or friends after you pass. However, people increasingly have significant digital… Read More
Why Retirement Planning Should Be a Part of Estate Planning
As you grow older, you will increasingly want to start planning for retirement. Retirement requires careful planning to ensure you can remain financially stable and independent for many years after retirement. At the same time you prepare for this life… Read More
How Can an Elder Care Attorney Help You?
Most people will require the assistance of an attorney at some point in their lives. Older adults face many challenges, which can be made easier with the guidance of a skilled and specialized elder care attorney. These attorneys are informed… Read More