One of the reasons many people draw up a will is that they start to worry about what will happen if they die without one. If you die without a will, or “intestate,” in Florida, the state essentially has an… Read More
Author Archive
The First Steps for a Newly-Appointed Personal Representative
If you have recently lost a loved one who has appointed you as the personal representative, or executor, of their estate, the responsibilities can feel overwhelming. This is especially true if you are a first-time personal representative who has not… Read More
How Divorce Affects Your Estate Plan
While divorce isn’t something people plan for, it’s important to realize how divorce can affect your finances and your estate. Your estate plan, in particular, will be affected by a divorce because it will likely impact the ownership of assets… Read More
Do You Need a Health Care Advance Directive?
A successful estate plan should include plans for the end of your life but should also address numerous situations besides death that may arise and which also require planning. A comprehensive estate plan established with your estate planning attorney at… Read More
Understanding the Role of a Personal Representative
If you find yourself in an estate proceeding, you will hear the term “executor.” In Florida, this role is called the “personal representative,” and the duties are the same. The personal representative is appointed to oversee the administration or probate… Read More
Estate Planning for Expectant Parents: 3 Things to Consider
Expecting a new child in your family is a significant occasion. There are numerous things to consider, but one thing that might be easy to overlook is how a new child affects your estate plan. Estate planning is essential for… Read More
Power of Attorney vs. Health Care Proxy
As unlikely as it may seem today, there may come a time when your parents or elder relatives cannot make financial or medical decisions for themselves. This can happen anytime someone is incapacitated and not in a clear state of… Read More
Is Your Estate Plan As Settled As You Think?
Estate planning is a necessary part of growing older and managing your assets as well as what you leave behind to your extended family after death. However, even if you settled your estate plan in the past, there is a… Read More
3 Reasons Long-Term Care Planning with an Elder Care Lawyer Is Best
Working with an elder law attorney can be a smart decision in many circumstances. As you grow older, you will need to create an estate plan, draw up your will, and establish trusts and other directives that can account for… Read More
5 Estate Planning Recommendations for People Without Children
While many people who undertake estate planning are also planning for the future of their family, if you are a single or married adult with no children, estate planning can still be beneficial. If you have assets you care about,… Read More